Everyone has stories to tell. Everyone is a part of living history. Through Life, Collected I offer story capturing and archive services to ensure that your loved ones leave a legacy in their own words. At the very beginning of 2022, my grandmother passed away. My family was incredibly lucky to have a wealth of archival materials that she had saved and to have her oral history collected by the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimony. That experience, combined with my background in public history and archives, inspired me to start Life, Collected. So that I may help you and your family have the same trove of memories, stories, and documents.


Oral History.

I will conduct oral history interviews with you or your family member. You will receive a video of the interview as well as a time stamped transcript of the video in whatever format you choose. Oral histories give people an opportunity to reflect on historic events in their lifetime and tell their own story in their own words.

Oral histories can be done in person and/or remotely.


Family Archive.

Tucked away in drawers and folders may be documents that elaborate on the rich histories of our families. I will help you organize and preserve those documents so that the stories they tell can be passed on for generations.

Additionally, I can do local archival research to try and fill in gaps that you and your family is curious about.


Death Planning.

Legacy work also involves the way you want to be remembered in the moments after death. Having a death plan ensures that those who love and care for you have instructions and directions to fulfill your wishes. I will help walk you through different possibilities and ways to create a detailed and effective death plan.


Peer Support.

Do you want to interview your own family members? Do you want information to take home to your loved ones about death planning? Contact me to book a peer support session and I will help guide you through these processes.

